maandag 27 augustus 2018

Lyle Preslar in Samhain / Eerie Von's 'Misery Obscura' book.

Last year I got Eerie Von's book 'Misery Obscura'. My local distro had a copy on the shelves of this book that was published in 2009. It's packed with awesome pictures and full of great stories. Eerie Von played in Samhain, Danzig and Rosemary's Babies and he took the very first Misfits pictures so you can imagine he has a lot to show and tell. From those first Misfits photo shoots to starting up Samhain to touring the world and recording with Rick Rubin with Danzig. This book is totally recommended!

One of my favorite stories of the book starts in one of the forewords. It's written by Lyle Preslar, legendary guitar player of Minor Threat and one of the original Samhain members. He writes about Samhain's first show. He took an Amtrack train from DC to New York City together with his girlfriend and Brian Baker to play this show. He was carrying his trusted Gibson Les Paul with him and had asked the venue (Rock Hotel) to provide a Marshall JCM stack. Upon arriving he found out they only had two Fender Twin Reverb amps. As guitarplayers probably know, these aren't exactly the same soundwise. Luckily he had brought a distortion pedal so he decided the Twin Reverbs would do and was planning on trying to make the best of the whole situation. Next to this Glenn Danzing turned up with a horrible cold, barely able to sing. After soundcheck Preslar went out to eat something together with his girlfriend and Brian Baker.
Here comes the funniest part of the story. Preslar had been told that Samhain wouldn't be a Misfits II. No makeup, no black armbands, no 'devilocks'. No sign of this during soundcheck so he was feeling comfortable wearing his grey Minor Threat sweatshirt (how much would this be going on Ebay for today...?), his regular attire during those days.

Lyle Preslar
Upon returning from his pre-show meal he was in shock. The whole band was in full on Misfits devilock mode. Eerie Von even had a homemade black spiderman outfit on and the whole dressing room was filled with hairspray and black make up. Luckily he was wearing black jeans and a black shirt underneath his Minor Threat sweatshirt but still he felt very out of place. Funny story and unfortunately there are no pictures of this show in the book. By then Eerie Von was holding a bass guitar instead of a camera. I looked for pictures on the internet but haven't found any. The Lyle Preslar/Samhain combination already is a strange one and this story only adds to this.

As said before: this book is awesome. Try to get a hold of a copy. You won't regret it! I flip through it regularly to check out the pictures but last week I took some time to read Eerie Von's stories and look at the pictures thoroughly while listening to my Misfits, Samhain and Danzig records. No need to tell you I had a great night! Below are some pictures of the book.

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