zondag 29 juli 2018

Kill The Man Who Questions - Sugar Industry LP and Union Fanzine.

Here's a short post about a record I completely forgot I owned.
While I was filing away a new addition to my Kiss records collection (how I love Kiss and the fact that my collection is expanding and expanding...) I browsed a bit through the 'K' section of my records (I'm a nerd and I keep my records alphabetically) and stumbled upon the 'Sugar Industry' LP by the band Kill The Man Who Questions.

I remember buying the record at the Pyrrhus record store in Ghent after I had read an interview with the band in the Union fanzine. Union fanzine was a great but short lived (I think only one issue?) fanzine with Rudee from France as the main man. He was also the main editor and graphic design wizzard of the first two 'The Paper' issues. And let's not forget about the awesome 'European Manhood' fanzine he did in the mid nineties. I loved those zines for the mix of bands they interviewed and the fact they were smart, funny and tongue in cheek all at the same time. Together with Yoda Fanzine (what's up Mondy?) these zines were my favorites as they focussed on a lot of different genres I was just getting into (emo, fastcore, powerviolence, sludgecore,...).

Union fanzine

Two issues of the European Manhood fanzine

The Kill The Man Who Questions record is awesome. Fast hardcore out of Philadelphia with both female and male vocals and interesting lyrics. The lay out is awesome and the booklet that comes with the record totally reminds me of the Ebullition record releases like the Reversal Of Man 'This is medicine' record. Smart lyrics with some extra explanations about politics, values, the lack of those in certain hardcore subgenres,... There's even some 'pro-life lyrics' and an awesome Negative Approach quote in the explanations of the lyrics. Those booklets were basically mini zines.

The booklet that came with the LP

The record is released by Coalition Records. The dutch label that was run by Jeroen (of Mainstrike, Das Oath,...) that released a lot of great records by Oil, Charles Bronson, Jr Ewing, Seein Red, Tear It Up, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Das Oath,...

Members of Kill The Man Who Questions went on to play in bands like Limp Wrist, Rambo,...
Listen to the record here and enjoy some late nineties and beginning of the noughties nostalgia with me:

I also found an old Angelfire website (remember these?). Click here

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