vrijdag 31 augustus 2018

Halloween and my refound love for all things horror.

I used to love horror movies. It all started with the 'Scream' movies when I was about 13 years old. I saw the first one in the movie theatre, got hooked and rented a whole lot of VHS tapes and later on dvd's. I saw a lot of great movies and a lot of bad ones. One of them that has always stuck with me was the original 'Halloween' movie by John Carpenter.

Fast forward to 2018. I haven't seen a horror movie in a while. I barely watch tv and go to movie theatres anymore. Besides that, my girlfriend isn't fond of horror movies. Being home alone and with some time to kill I watched 'Halloween' again. How I love and missed this! The suspense created by the genius that is John Carpenter, the young Jamie Lee Curtis, the awesome soundtrack,... I love it! Part of what moved me to watch this masterpiece again is the Instagram posts of Tim McMahon (singer of Search, Mouthpiece, Hands Tied,...). He recently posted some pictures of his visits to some of the original locations of the movie.  The Myers house, the Laurie Strode house, the sidewalks and streets where John Carpenter shot the movie, the gates to Smith's Grove Sanitarium that Mike Myers escaped,... Great pictures and it must have been great visiting these locations. Makes me a bit jealous.
I also found out he has an Instagram account dedicated to horror movies. Go look for 'Curatedhorror' on Instagram and enjoy all sorts of horror movie ephemera.

Being the nerd and art lover I am I also spotted the James Ensor (probably Belgian's most famous artist ever) poster in Laurie's bed room. Couldn't resist taking a screenshot.

I've got a lot of catching up and (re)watching to do. Maybe it's time to buy a second tv set and dvd player so I can enjoy some classics and new horror movies again. Get in touch if you got recommendations, although I think I'm all set for now with the Curated Horror page. And I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the 2018 Halloween movie in the theatre soon!

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