zaterdag 17 maart 2018

Welcome to Hello Bastards Zine!

Hello and welcome to yet another new blog.

Some 7 years ago I had plans to start a paper zine called 'Hello Bastards'. I did some pretty cool interviews and articles. I interviewed Dan Yemin for example (of course I had to do a Lifetime interview with a name like 'Hello Bastards Zine'), I also did a cool but short RVIVR interview and a pretty lengthy but really awesome article about the ending of my favorite hometown band Hitch. Mich (the singer of Hitch) wrote a long and great article about his former band.
Most of these interviews ended up in the Mini WAR zine and blog I did together with my friend Kristof for a short time. You can still read them here.

I miss writing so I decided I'd start this blog. I hope I will find the discipline to write stuff from time to time and to not let this page die a slow death. I already have some ideas about posts and interviews so come and check back often.  Posts will of course be mostly about music as I'm a total freak.

See you soon!

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