dinsdag 27 november 2018

RDS220 - Hell is truth seen too late chapters I - IV review

A couple of weeks ago I finally got my hands on these awesome looking tapeboxes by RDS220 on Svart Blod Records. Sadly my tapeplayer decided to start eating tapes instead of playing them so I had to listen the tracks on the RDS220 bandcamp page to review them.

Let's start with who is in this 'band'. It's actually a duo project featuring ex members (let's get this ex members thing over fast...) of Liar, Amenra, Hive Destruction, VVovnds, Black Haven,... Musical mastermind is Matthias who plays guitars and programs drums and he is joined by co-songwriter, bass player and visual mastermind Kristof. I've known these two for quite a while now so it came to me as no surprise they came up with something this good. Because it really ís good!

Chapters I-II
Chapters III-IV

Ever since I met Matthias more than fifteen years ago he was always busy with bands but also with homerecording, programming drums, puzzling songs together on his 8-track recorder or computer. I remember he singlehandedly pre-recorded the demo's for the Empathy record at home before entering the studio. Same thing for the Liar record 'Murder manifesto'. I always thought that was really cool and showed a damn hard work ethic. Same goes for Kristof. I've known him even longer and he has always been playing in bands or making really good looking and mind blowing art and graphics.

Let's talk about RDS220. It's more or less the same concept as the beginning years (and 2 demo's) of Hive Destruction. Matthias and Kristof record the songs at a home studio as a duo. Hive Destruction was instrumental but for RDS220 they handed over their songs to guest singers. In this case, chronologically from part I to IV, they worked with singers Jenci Vervaeke (VVovnds, Et Dure, Gagged), Hans Verbeke (Liar, Blindfold,..), Paulo Rui (Besta) and Dehn Sora (Throane).

They describe RDS220 as punk black metal and I can only agree with this description. It's fast and vicious. It's really a riff fest and non compromising. Harsh and rough music perfectly fitting to the sometimes harsh and hectic times we live in today but always with a hint of melody in the guitar department. There's also enough variation to keep things interesting. The guest singers do a really good job and add a lot to the brutality and the hateful atmosphere of the songs. My favorite tracks are the ones with Hans Verbeke (you can't go wrong with a title like "Triumphant on the ruins of the world"...) and Paulo Rui (who I hadn't heard of before but man, what a throat!).

The lay out of these two boxes is phenomenal! Kristof and the label Svart Blod Records did an awesome job!You get two booklets with collages that really add some more vitriol and harshness to the whole concept of RDS220. I have always been a fan of Kristof's visual work. He has his own style but always surprises with original and thought provoking lay outs or art. He really should do more printed stuff like the book he did a couple of years ago called 'A book about decay' together with Arne Wastyn.

Go listen and download on bandcamp.
And buy some stuff from RDS220 and Svart Blod Records.

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